A couple of weeks ago I was fortunate to be offered a place on a two day class at Microsoft to learn about the DirectAccess functionality of Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2. So what is Windows 7 DirectAccess?
Category archives: Work
Idle thoughts about Azure and the Cloud
How might a companies use Micirosofts Azure Services Platform and other cloud services? A fairly basic example might be…
Google Aims for the Enterprise
With recent releases of support for blackberry, outlook, deligation and email retention Google Apps is a viable alternative to Microsofts Exchange Enterprise products
Google App Sync stops Outlook indexing email
If you you’re a corporate user of Google Apps you may well have been playing with the Googles recent release of Google Apps Sync for Outlook. It looks like Google have been a little cheeky with some of the settings that are configured when installing the add-in.
iPhone Enterprise Deployment
Alongside the release of the V.3 iPhone firmware Apple have also updated their Enterprise Deployment Guide.