So what is a diffuser and what does it do for an F1 car?

In 2009 Formula 1’s aerodynic rules have been changed and teams such as Brawn, Williams and Toyota find themselves with more efficient diffusers that have brought them to the top of the grid. but what are diffusers and what do they do?

‘What will be the most widely adopted Enterprise Mobile Device in 2009?’

Over on LinkedIn there’s a Poll asking the question ‘What will be the widestly adopted Enterprise Mobile Device in 2009?’. Although not that scientific (there’s no accounting for whether the respondents are actually in a position to influence the matter) it does pose some interesting questions, for example is the iPhone ready for widespread enterprise adoption?

More PhotoSynth Goodness, this time on iPhone

I’m a bit of a PhotoSynth fan, I think it’s a fantastic technology. The iPhone has always seemed like an obvious candidate for a viewer, the touch interface seems ideal for it. Sarah over on spotted this, and I thought I’d pass it on… A PhotoSynth viewer for the iPhone!