If you use a MacBook for long and then go back to a PC laptop you’ll probably get quite annoyed by the fact that you can’t right-clicking by tapping with two fingers. At least I was. While the option seems to exist in the drivers for the commonly used Synanaptics touchpad, it doesn’t seem to work. That’s ok though as there’s a registry key that does!
All the normal warnings about registry editing apply, but simply open up the registry editor by going to Start > Run and typing Regedit in Windows 7, or in Windows 8 type Regedit at the start screen.
Once open navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Synaptics > SynTP > TouchpadPS2
There, right click and select New, DWORD Value. Name the value ‘2FingerTapAction’. Once created, double click it and set the Value Data to ‘2’. If you want a three finger tap to be a middle-click, create another called ‘3FingerTapAction’ and set it to ‘4’.
Then log off and log on, and it should all work. Easy.