Smartphone and iPhone polices in Exchange

I’ve had a few conversations over the past few weeks about managing mobile devices like smartphones and iPhones. Many companies now have a lot of phones and PDA’s being used to access email, calendars and contacts. Now I think this is great news, having consistent access to my calendar and contacts from all my phones is fantastic. From a company perspective though it can pose some challenges.

‘What will be the most widely adopted Enterprise Mobile Device in 2009?’

Over on LinkedIn there’s a Poll asking the question ‘What will be the widestly adopted Enterprise Mobile Device in 2009?’. Although not that scientific (there’s no accounting for whether the respondents are actually in a position to influence the matter) it does pose some interesting questions, for example is the iPhone ready for widespread enterprise adoption?

More PhotoSynth Goodness, this time on iPhone

I’m a bit of a PhotoSynth fan, I think it’s a fantastic technology. The iPhone has always seemed like an obvious candidate for a viewer, the touch interface seems ideal for it. Sarah over on spotted this, and I thought I’d pass it on… A PhotoSynth viewer for the iPhone!